I’ve visited many campuses in the USA and overseas. Typically, I come for a few days, offer a public talk for faculty and area writers and journalists as well as students, I work with one or two writing classes, and consult with department administrators assessing and strengthening narrative nonfiction course offerings. Talks I’ve offered include ‘Coming back from the field with a notebook full of narrative—and what happens next,’ and ‘Why journalists talk funny, and how voice determines truthtelling,' and ‘Pace, the ultimate mystery of writing:
craft-skills that hold readers.’ I read student texts in advance and weave them into my talks and teaching.
I also offer a faculty seminar on writing "crossover books"—books constructed to reach both academic and lay readers at the same time.
Campuses visited (or pending) include Smith College, Harvard University, University of California Irvine, Notre Dame, University of Iowa, Indiana University, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth College, (Christopher Newport College), Iceland University, Sciences Po, University of Sao Paulo, Doshisha University and Wits University, Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa.